systemctl list-units --type=service | grep running
管理者になり実行してください。自動起動が ON になっているサービス一覧ではないので注意。
実際に実行すると下記のように 起動中(常時待機中)のサービス一覧が表示されます。
[root@xxxx]# systemctl list-units --type=service | grep running
auditd.service loaded active running Security Auditing Service
chronyd.service loaded active running NTP client/server
crond.service loaded active running Command Scheduler
dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
getty@tty1.service loaded active running Getty on tty1
httpd.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server
irqbalance.service loaded active running irqbalance daemon
mariadb.service loaded active running MariaDB 10.3 database server
NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
php56-php-fpm.service loaded active running The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
=== 略 ===
vgauthd.service loaded active running VGAuth Service for open-vm-tools
vmtoolsd.service loaded active running Service for virtual machines hosted
systemctl list-units - 全体のユニットリスト情報を表示
--type=service - ユニットリスト中の .service を指定して表示
grep running - 稼働中のサービスを grep
active で grep してください。
systemctl list-units --type=service | grep active
[root@xxxx]# systemctl list-units --type=service | grep active
auditd.service loaded active running Security Auditing Service
chronyd.service loaded active running NTP client/server
crond.service loaded active running Command Scheduler
dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
getty@tty1.service loaded active running Getty on tty1
httpd.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server
irqbalance.service loaded active running irqbalance daemon
=== active exited ===
iptables.service loaded active exited IPv4 firewall with iptables
mariadb.service loaded active running MariaDB 10.3 database server
NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
php56-php-fpm.service loaded active running The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
=== 略 ===
vgauthd.service loaded active running VGAuth Service for open-vm-tools
vmtoolsd.service loaded active running Service for virtual machines hosted
実際に実行すると先ほどにはなかった active exited 状態のサービスもgrepされることが確認できるかと思います。